Why I hate the word “panties”

It seems this word is still going strong, or at least I see it in nearly every brochure by a suspiciously cheap looking reusable that gets spammed to my business inbox from Chinese wholesalers….

The word itself is enough to make my hair stand on end. And yet somehow “period panties” just makes it sound even worse.

Creepy and offensive

In today’s world surely marketeers understand from an equality perspective that the word “pants”, “briefs” or “underwear” are really the only terms acceptable. But why is it still the case that those who are supposed to be masters of the subtleties in language seem to keep “panties” out there?

The dumbing down of words to childlike status makes it synomymous with both abuse and innapropriate innuendo.

Both of which are reasons to not only avoid the use of the word, but actually encourage me to call out those who persist in using it in this day and age.

I’m not alone

I’m not the only one who seems to have a veciferous hatred of this word. I thought it might be different over the other side fo the Atlantic, however Sarah Fentem is definitely on the same side!

To me “panties” depicts an era decades ago where ignorant male marketing execs (think Mad Men) wanted to create a word that could be used by both 50s husbands and their Stepford wives.

Which is probably why I’m so shocked at Christina Henricks for whom I once had great admiration….sometimes things that are deemed retro really should be left in days gone by.

And “panties” really does deserve to go the way of the corset. Along with all other devices for female oppression.

There is nothing sexy or empowering about childlike misogynist language. So please can we eliminate it from the lexicon. Or at least fight it off the internet.

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